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Lifemate Connections
Lifemate Connections
Lifemate Connections
Lifemate Connections

Lifemate Connections

byKeri Arthur

Eryn James is a medical secretary, not a police officer, but when the police ask her to assist in tracking down a killer, she jumps at the chance. Not because she has any real desire to hunt down a killer, but because the task involves playing bait in Lifemate Connections—one of the most exclusive and expensive bars in town. In a world where men outnumber women ten to one, and long-term relationships are frowned upon, bars like Lifemate provide a safe environment for women and men to meet and “test drive” possible life mates without the initial risk of taking them home. But five patrons of the bar have recently been murdered, and as a shifter with a keen sense of smell, it is now Eryn’s task to track down the killer. But no matter how much she trusts her nose to get her out of trouble, she isn’t about to go in there alone. The club is full of security, and there are cops sitting in a van, listening to her every word and move. How dangerous could playing bait actually be? Then she meets Grey Stockard…a man who oozes sex appeal and danger with every movement. A man she wants with every ounce of her being. A man she just might end up dying for…

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